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52 week course delivered to you in bite-sized chunks

ATTENTION: Confused people who want to build an online business

In this letter, you will find out what kind of online business you should get into (so you can quit your boring day job and live in style and comfort with zero money worries).

Then first, imagine this:

Your average day will be something to look forward to. Knowing that there will be a specific end result. And that end result will be a regular, and increasing income.

That should excite you. Your earnings potential can be unlimited!

Do you like the idea of swapping your current lifestyle for the riches that wait you as an online entrepreneur?

Do any of the following describe you right now:

If you answered “yes” to any, or even most of the above questions, then this letter could be the Holy Grail that you’ve been looking for.

The majority of people feel overwhelmed when it comes to trying to create an online product. Let alone trying to up-load it to the internet and marketing that product.

Most people think that you have to complete all the steps all in one go.

The problem with that strategy is that you’ll end up finishing nothing, or nothing properly. Maybe you’ve experienced this too?

But your biggest problem of all, is time. The clock is ticking away for all of us.

You may already have a full-time job or recently retired but active, and by the time each day is over – you’re bushed. I know I used to be. The last thing you want to do is try to figure out how to do the stuff all by yourself. That strategy would take forever!

If all, or most of the above sounds a little bit like you. Relax!

I know exactly how you feel.

I used to feel exactly the same way. I really wanted to succeed at this internet thingy but I could never seem to put all the pieces together.

I went to seminar after seminar. Bought this product and that product. All in the hope that I might break into this mystical “insider club” of Internet Marketing.

I never dreamed that things could get so tough.

I was always in search of that next “shiny object” that was going to make things work for me. And did it?

It did not. Never even got close.

Does that sound familiar?

I heard so much about ordinary people making a good living online.

What I longed for was that “Internet Lifestyle” that I’d heard so much about.

I lked, and I’m sure that you would too, the idea of making money in my pyjamas. A business model that once set up, ran itself. Where sales that you make are processed automatically and the money you “make” gets deposited directly into your bank account.

I was amazed that all this, could happen on auto-pilot.

It’s a business that you can not only operate from your own home but from anywhere in the world. That is, if you have your laptop alongside and a trusty access to the internet.

Furthermore, you don’t need to:

All the above kinda fit the model that I had in mind.

Further down in this messge, you will discover that making money online is being done by ordinary people, every day of the year.

People just like you and me.

You will see what kind of products people are yearning for. How simple it is to create these products. And what kind of money can be made by producing those products.

It will simply amaze you.

Now, just imagine this …

Here’s how a typical day became for me. And just maybe, this can be your typical day too …

You go to bed when you want to (I never go to bed the same day as I get up!).

You wake up when you want to. No sound of alarm clocks ringing in your shell-like.

You leisurely take a shower.

Followed when you want, by your breakfast, with perhaps the morning paper.

The point is – you are beholding to no-one.

It’s now gone past 9 a.m. or even 10 a.m.

You fire up your laptop (I prefer working with a laptop, I can move it around the house easier). You push a few buttons to access your eMail to see how many orders you got whilst you were sleeping. And …

And the beauty of all this is that you don’t have to do a thing. Nothing. It’s all taken care of automagically by the systems that you have set in place.

Surely that figure will increase as the day progresses.

But you won’t be stuck to your laptop screen watching the orders come in. You will either be working on your next project or doing whatever it is you do for the rest of your day.

But … you will be sure to do something pro-active every day (that’s a rule).

Then, when you’re satisfied with what you’ve done for that day, you can retire and do your own thing.

… this is a typical day. Maybe not your best, and probably not your worst either.

Some days you will do exceptionally well. Maybe somebody has promoted one of your products.

Some days you will do not so well. The point is, you have systems in place that allow you to do anything that you want. Such as – deciding where you want to live.

Your online business can be run entirely from your home.

And home can be anywhere you want it to be.

I choose to live in a beautiful city with lots going on. But when I vacation – I like to cruise, or rent a nice secluded apartment, or retreat to the country. It doesn’t matter where you are because you can set up and move around anywhere you choose.

Because this business can run itself automatically.

The biggest reason I chose to be in this business is because I hated the commute to work every day. I hated the meaningless “meetings about meetings.” I hated all the office politics. I hated working for someone else. I even hated my boss.

And of course, if you’re like me, you want to do things the way you want to do them.

If that’s so, then this business is most definitely for you.

Being able to make more money was another obvious reason.

This kind of lifestyle is happening to people all around the world.

They are quietly making money 24/7.

It’s all done quietly, legally, and above all – simply.

And just in case you are thinking it’s complicated – it’s not. There’s nothing complicated about it at all. It’s a simple process. You do not need any special technical skills either.

Of course, if you are a relative newcomer, it may appear to be difficult. But when you break it all down, it’s not that difficult at all.

Just think. Sitting at home running your own money-spinning business. You can have your own business empire run from anywhere in the world. Call it your own ‘mobile’ business.

How would you feel if you could just pick up the phone and book a few weeks away? A cruise (that’s my favorite). Hawaii (another one of my top vacation spots), or Hong Kong and then on to Bali, Fiji and Australia.

Yes, I’ve done all of the above. And much more. Several times!

Wherever and whatever you wish for – it can be within your grasp with your own online business.

World traveller or work from home with a lifestyle to suit. Your friends and neighbors will wonder what you do.

In just a minute, I’ll show you how you can make that dream lifestyle a reality.

But right now, let me show you what is do-able in this business. Do-able because I’ve done it. And continue to do it. And I can prove it to you.

Below is a copy of just a few low-priced products that I have sold – day-in, day-out.

The above results are for just a handful of e-products. It does not include physical products (of which I had a few). But I just wanted to give you a feel for what can be achieved.

And if you’re superstitious and think Friday 13th. is bad luck, then click here to see what I did on a particular ‘Black Friday.’

As you can see from the above, I don’t just talk about it. I actually do it, and I loved every minute.

The good thing is, once you’ve done your first product – the second, the third, and all others just get quicker and quicker.

But you can’t run before you can walk.

My background was simple. I was an engineer. Reasonable career, but boring.

I just knew there was something better.

I’d read about making money online.

I thought that working from home, setting things up (the right way), and making money automatically as a result, would be ideal.

That definitely fitted the model that I had in mind.

I wouldn’t say I was cautious to begin with. More like thorough (I guess my engineering background came into play here).

I knew I wanted to know how this was all done but I wanted to do it right.

Yes, I’d been to several seminars and read a lot of eBooks, which was good for the “big” picture, but nothing gave me the “do it like this,” and then “do this” approach.

A lot of the material that I acquired explained: “what to do,” but none of it explained: “how to do” it. Nothing that I had, led me by the hand and showed me exactly how to do it.

I didn’t even know what kind of product I needed to sell. I had absolutely no idea what sold best online.

So I decided to research who was already doing this and doing it right. What were they selling?

That’s what I wanted to know.

From my engineering days, I knew that you can’t discover everything at once. In fact, in the beginning, I had to serve an apprenticeship and learn from masters of their trade. That took years.

And, on top of that, I attended college and uni for 6+ years.

I reckoned it was about the same with this internet stuff. But, I didn’t want to spend years mastering it. Months maybe, but not years.

There were no places to go to serve an apprenticeship. No recognized colleges that after 3 years of study you came away with a degree in Internet Marketing.

Nothing like that existed.

What I wanted was a guide. Somebody to show me how to do it. A mentor.

I looked at the people who were already being successful at this “Internet stuff” and, me being me, wanted to apprentice myself to the best.

Yanik became my mentor for a whole year. He’s now a good friend of mine.

He laid the foundations for what is now my entire online (and offline) business.

Yanik should need no introduction, but just in case you’ve never heard of him, he’s a multi-millionaire marketer.

He is successful both online and offline and host of the ultra-successful Underground Seminars and Maverick Adventures.

Alas, Yanik doesn’t do his Apprenticeship program any more, and even if he did, what would a whole year of his time cost now? It would be astronomical.

Another master marketer who has influenced me a lot is Jim Edwards. Jim is a real down-to-earth marketer. He says it how it is. No fluff. No B.S.

I keep in touch with Jim on a fairly regular basis. We’re good friends too.

I also hosted a workshop with Jim which, if I say so myself, was awesome.

Jim and Yanik convinced me that what people are looking for on the Internet is information. Their philosophy is – give it to them.

So, I started my own Information Publishing business, and I’ve never looked back once.

If you’re not already aware, starting your own Information Product business is one of the quickest, and simplest ways to make money on the internet.

Publishers make a lot of money.

There have been more millionaires created in publishing than in almost any other field.

That includes the Stock Market and Real Estate.

Maybe you don’t want to be a multi-millionaire. Maybe you just want an income that replaces what you have right now (and maybe just a little bit more!). Well, that’s O.K. too.

I owe so much to Jim and Yanik for setting me on the right track.

And now I’m giving you the opportunity to discover what they showed me, but, with my own slant on things.

All you need is that first product. Do that right the first time, and all you have to do is “rinse and repeat” with further products … over and over again.

I’ve showed people how to do what I do since 2005.

New technology is making it easier and more profitable than ever before.

Even “common, ordinary, everyday” people are cashing in.

But if you don’t have a system to follow, how will you progress?

You cannot hope to “get it” all in one go. Each piece of the “jigsaw” needs to be mastered before moving on to the next piece.

That’s the way I grasped my egineering skills. It’s also the way Yanik and Jim showed me how to succeed with Internet Marketing.

You cannot possibly hope to “get it” all at once.

You may have heard the term “Information Overload.”

Or “being overwhelmed.”

Or perhaps felt that way yourself at times.

These terms are nothing new. But being overwhelmed is nothing more than trying to do too many things all at once. And of course, it can’t be done.

We homo sapiens are not very good at multi-tasking.

You have to take a step-by-step approach.

Only when you have mastered one step do you proceed with the next.

I know this sounds too obvious to be true but I can promise you that the mindset of the majority of people is not that way. They seem to want to be able to run before they can walk. That’s understandable – but not very productive.

Trust me when I say there is no such thing as “get-rich-quick” in the online world. There can’t be. Otherwise everybody would do it and everybody would be rich, which is clearly not the case – nor will it ever be so.

Just like apprenticeships of old, you discover how to do one thing, master it, and then move on to the next thing. Think about it! It’s impossible to do one thing, then another, and then another – all at the same time. Some people may call this multi-tasking, but as a beginner – you can’t do it, you need to take one step at a time.

It’s not going to take you four years like my old-fashioned apprenticeship.

But there are building blocks that must be in place before you can move on to the next task.

Even though the Internet has matured in a lot of ways, there are still lots of people who don’t understand how to use it to create wealth.

Those who know how to do this are quietly plugging away at it wherever they are in the world. Those that don’t know how to do it are busy eking a living from what they’ve always done. Working for someone else.

You will discover how to create your own profitable Internet Business by using the same techniques that I use, and what other net-preneurs put to use to make gobs of cash.

In just a few weeks (or a few months depending on your product and work rate), you could be raking in cash just like many others are.

But fair warning: Do not think, even for a fraction of a second, that this will happen overnight for you. It won’t. You have to serve your apprenticeship. But I say for sure, that if you do that (and diligently), then you will be successful.

You first need to know how to look for a market.

That … is one of the biggest mistakes most wannabee Internet Marketers make. They create a product first and then try to find a market to sell that product to.

You need to find a market first, then (and only then), do you create a product to fit that market.

Now it may surprise you to know that the large majority of people have a problem with finding a market.

Yet they are so eager to go ahead blindly with an idea which no one can tell if it will sink or swim.

The road to Internet riches is littered with unsuccessful wannabees that can’t sell their badly researched products.

You may have tried this Internet “thing” before, and let me guess – it didn’t work for you. Chances are, one of the reasons it did not work was because you were in the wrong market.

I do know how you must feel. I used to feel that way too, until Yanik and Jim showed me the real “secrets” to creating products and then getting them to market.

Before I served my “apprenticeship” with Yanik, I could so easily have given up.

I’d been to seminar after seminar. Read book after book. Invested in course after course. But still I couldn’t gain any traction in the business that I so longed for.

Deep down, I knew the real reason why I didn’t progress. And I didn’t want to admit it.

The reason was simple really. It was staring me right in the face. It took me like, for ages to “see” it.

The reason I wasn’t getting anywhere was because I was absorbing all this “bumf” but not taking any ACTION.

I realized that I was only accountable to myself and that clearly wasn’t working.

That’s when I had that “light bulb” moment and decided to get in touch with someone that could show me the right way and make me accountable. Accountable to them.

If you have never dipped your toes into the publishing waters, the time to get started is right now.

Imagine your in-box every morning overflowing with those “New Order Received” notices.

Now that’s a beautiful thing to wake up to.

If you had more than one product you would do considerably better still.

What if you were to add one new product every couple of months? That’s when it starts to get re-e-e-eally interesting.

Once you get to 4 or 5 products you know you are on your way to a thriving business.

And if you think it’s going to be a lot of work maintaining all these, then think again.

There is a right way and a wrong way to create your offers.

If you do it right from the very beginning, maintaining them is a breeze – they take very little of your time.

You’re probably thinking: “How can you create one new product every couple of months and bring them to market?”

Before I answer that, let me tell you what this letter is not about.

It’s not about selling other peoples’ product as an affiliate. That’s no way to run a real business.

I firmly believe that the only way to build your own Publishing Empire is to have your own unique products.

Products that are not available anywhere else – by anybody. Products that are unique.

Products that are evergreen. That is, they never run out of fashion. Not products that are here today – and gone tomorrow.

The business I’m in, and I strongly suggest you get into as well, is Information Publishing.

Below are some examples of people who have become ultra-successful using the same techniques that I use:

All the above self publishers get their information Products from the same sources that I do.

They then use their imagination to turn those products into unique offers that prove irresistible to their customers.

They also know secrets of how to convert their visitors into buyers of what they have to offer.

This is a very low-cost, and sometimes a no-cost way, to find unique products.

You can start part-time (like I did in the beginning) and work your way up to full-time as your revenues increase.

You can do this. It’s simple. It’ fast. It’s low-cost. It’s low-risk. But, it’s highly profitable.

I’m talking about using free and low-cost resources for your research.

In fact – for everything that can be used as content.

You will discover how to find these unique products, at ridiculous prices (for just a few dollars each).

All the above Case Studies are from people who have found hidden works and re-published them as their own. Entirely legally.

They have re-published them either in the same format or put their own slant on them. In whatever format they have produced them, they are selling well. Very well indeed!

Each one of the above Case Studies are banking well over 7 figures!

Now I’m not in their league (yet), I only aspire to what they’re doing, but I’m happy just churning out products and making a very comfortable living from it.

I want to be realistic here.

I could really hype up what can be done but I’m not promising that you can emulate the Case Studies above. But you could make a very tidy income the way that I show you how to do things.

Here’s what 9 Billion Dollar Publisher Ted Nicholas had to say about what I do:

Now Ted, if you haven’t heard of him, was known as the 9 Billion Dollar Publisher.

Yes, that’s Billion with a ‘B’.

You can ‘Google’ Ted to find out more about him.

Ted liked what I did so much, that he agreed to co-host an event with me. That was a terrific privilege for me. One that I will treasure forever.

Sadly, Ted passed away in 2020. He will be sorely missed by everyone. Ted was also influential for Yanik.

You can re-publish works in just about any topic you choose. Here are just a few of the many you could choose:

The list could go on and on, but I’m sure you get the idea.

What do all the above topics have in common?

Answer: they are all evergreen topics.

Those topics, or niches as they are called, and hundreds more like them, all have a rabid following.

Tens of thousands of fans in their chosen niche spend hour after hour and dollar after dollar in pursuit of their interests.

They all want more and more information. They just soak it up like a sponge.

Your job (and mine), as Information Publishers, is to provide it for them.

They certainly have the enthusiasm, they are willing to spend their spare cash to meet their insatiable appetites.

They just need you to make it easy for them.

I’ve pretty much told you the basics here, but there are so many right ways and wrong ways to do thigs.

A lot of what I do is very simple to understand and you could get started right now on your own. But wouldn’t you rather understand how to turn your ideas into blockbuster launches? I already hinted to you that the big profits in publishing are in the marketing.

In fact, success in Information Publishing, is 20% preparation and 80% marketing.

Become an Information Publisher and start building your own Online Publishing Empire.

You can start as early as today!

Here’s how you can do it …

I have developed “Million Dollar Publisher” to show you how to create and market your own Information Products in the shortest time possible.

Each step of the way, from tiny beginnings, like finding a market, all the way to advanced marketing techniques, is thoroughly explained.

And explained in manageable comprehensive Modules.

Each Module is further broken down into short Lessons.

Each of which takes less than one hour of study.

I call these short Lessons: “bite sized chunks.”

I started this service way back in 2008 and feedback has proved that this approach works, and works well. It has now been up-dated to reflect modern techniques (latest up-date 2021).

The Lessons make even the most daunting of tasks look simple.

Simple to understand, and simple to put into practice.

I created this program because I know the frustration in getting products online and selling like hot-cakes. I really struggled with technical issues.

But you won’t have to. I’ve done all the heavy lifting. No detail has been left out.

This program is not one of those get-rich-schemes.

But if ‘get rich quick’ is your ambition, then this program is NOT for you. This is a get rich slow program.

I learned my engineering skills over a period of years.

I learned my online skills over a period of a year.

It won’t take you that long to be up-and-running but the full program does last for one year (52 weeks in fact).

Here’s how the whole process is constructed:

The course comprises of 10 Modules:

Each of those Modules is further broken down into easily digestible Lessons, a.k.a. bite-sized chunks.

It has proven to work extremely well.

Trying to jump ahead has proven to not work well at all.

Stick to the program sequence and you WILL succeed.

Every week for one full year (52 weeks), you will receive an eMail.

That eMail will contain a specific download link for that week’s Lesson.

Most Lessons contain screenshots/videos so you can watch me performing all the tasks. Just like me being in the room with you.

As well as having the step-by-step Lessons, the screenshots and videos walk you through the baby steps. So you can see exactly how each part of the whole process is achieved.

Over the 52 weeks you will get Lessons that show you:

Here’s a snapshot of what is contained in one of the early Lessons:

The Lessons are not just bite-sized chunks of information. At the end of each Lesson there is an “Assignment” for you to complete. Remember? You need to take action and not just soak up the content.

These Assignments give you the accountability that you must have if you want to succeed.

As well as understanding it all with the step-by-step information given to you, you will be doing it step-by-step.

Here’s a sample collection of what is contained in the Lesson Assignments:

Instead of presenting all this information in some massive manual (which would be 1,000+ pages), I am making this available to you in bite-sized-chunks. Available to you week-by-week, and each of them with an Assignment.

Taking action through these Assignments is a proven way of actually getting results. It’s tested. It’s proven. It works.

I couldn’t have put it better myself Mr. Twain!

And you don’t need yet another manual cluttering up your shelf. What you need are sequentially delivered messages to your inbox. ‘Here’s how to do it’ action steps that force you to take action.

You just need a little help getting started and staying accountable. That way you will keep taking action and not fall into the trap of ‘putting things off.’

When you join “Million Dollar Publisher” you will have access to one Lesson every week for a whole 52 weeks. All in a downloadable PDF format so that you can easily print them out.

“Million Dollar Publisher” (MDP) is structured such that you will see your results building week after week. Here’s what you can expect with MDP:

Each weekly Lesson is designed to be ‘on point’ and immediately actionable.

The Lessons on getting traffic to your offers are invaluable. Even if you have been successful at creating products in the past. Perhaps the point where you have fallen down has been in the actual selling process.

“Million Dollar Publisher” will rectify that for you as well.

The whole process of creating products, getting a web presence, and marketing your offer will be de-mystified.

In the first few Lessons you will discover:

You will receive a READ THIS FIRST document as soon as you register, all you have to do is just click on any of the orange buttons on this webpage to gain access.

This document is a kind of overview of the whole program.

In your first week, you will also receive Lesson #1. This first Lesson, titled: ‘You Need a Plan’ explains how you need to organize yourself so that you will get the most benefit from the program.

(More: No stone will be left unturned on this program. You will even discover how to register a domain name for both your business and for each of your product offers. You’ll also be shown how to:

The format is simple. The first Lessons will give you a basic overview of the whole process.

The 30,000 foot view as I like to call it.

Before anything else, it will be explained to you how to find a market.

Then, you will be shown, in a handful of Lessons, how to find and create your own works and how to make them unique to you.

Here are the titles of some of the 52 Lessons you will receive if you decided to join “Million Dollar Publisher.” There’s something in all of these for everyone:

And the above is just a brief description of 14 of the 52 Lessons within “Million Dollar Publisher.” All 52 Lessons are crammed full of information, with not just ‘what to do’ information but ‘how to do it’ information. (If you want a sneak peak at all the Lessons: click here).

The Lessons contain some real tid-bits of information, a lot of which you’ll not see anywhere else.

You will be spending a lot of time understanding how to get people interested in your offers. That is, your potential customers. You’ll want lots of them and there will be various Modules that show you how to attract them.

Traffic will be the lifeblood of your busiess. That’s why everything you have worked so hard on up until this point is so important. It’s a very satisfying feeling to know that if you send traffic to your offer, you KNOW you are going to make sales.

At the end of the 52 weeks, there will be something really special for you. By the time your final Lesson arrives you will be in a position to make more money than you ever thought possible. So, when the 52 week course is completed, I’ll be sending you a special Bonus to help you even more with your marketing. Can’t say too much about it here … but it will be very much worth waiting for.

I call it a “Graduation Bonus.”

But that ‘s not the only Bonus that you will be receiving. Far from it.

Yes, you read that correctly. You will receive over 20 really useful and unique Bonuses.

Throughout the 52 week period, there will be ‘Bonuses’ in addition to your 52 Lessons. What’s more – there will be lots of these. More than 20 of them!!

But don’t think for a moment that these are just some kind of filler material.

They will be complementary to the core material – of course.

Every single one of them will be useful to you.

Of course, I won’t be just ‘dumping’ 20 plus Bonuses on you, they will be distributed throughout the 52 weeks that you are in the program.

Remember when you were at college? You didn’t get all the information by just sitting and listening to lectures. Did you?

No, you were expected to ‘read around’ your subject. And so it is with “Million Dollar Publisher.” You need further background information. That’s what these added works are for – to be read alongside the Lessons. To reinforce the message of what the Lessons are conveying.

The type of Bonuses you will receive (almost one every other week), will be Special Reports, Tools, Software, Workbooks, etc.

And if that’s not enough, you will also receive several Classic Works. Works by pioneers of Advertising. Guys like John E. Kennedy, Claude Hopins, John Updegraf, Elmer Wheeler, Orison Swett Marden, plus many others. These are complete products – 100-200+ pages in length.

You may not have heard of all, or even any of these authors, but their works belong to any marketers library. You MUST read the ‘classics’ if you really want to succeed at marketing.

I may even add, throughout the 52 week program, a few ‘un-advertised’ Special Reports and Bonuses.

Hint: when I say I ‘may’ add further Bonuses and reports, that really means that I will add them for sure!

Warning: some of my Special Reports are a tad controversial. Some Internet Marketers may not like some of the opinions that I have. Tough! The Reports say it how it is (in my opinion).

As for background reading, I’ll also include my recommeded, and up-to-date (as of 2021), ‘Peter’s Recommended Book List.’

You do need to read around the topic of Internet Marketing and this booklist will be a fantastic reference that enables you to do just that.

By the way. It might be a good idea if you were to read a few of these titles and not just get them and leave them to gather ‘virtual’ dust on your hard drive.

Note: There will be nothing on this list that I do not have on my own bookshelf. And yes, I have read every one of them – some more than once. Some, three and even four times. A couple of them, seven and eight times.

I don’t reckon I’ve seen anything like this list of books – anywhere.

Here’s what top marketer Martin Avis had to say about my “Million Dollar Publisher” program.

Don’t forget. Besides all the Special Reports, I will be sending you plenty of other Bonuses, tools, software, workbooks, ‘classic’ works, etc. that I metioned above.

In all, you will get over 20 (twenty) Bonuses that will supplement your course material.

Not one of them, by themselves, gave me the BIG picture. Not a single one.

Maybe you’ve had the same experience.

Don’t get me wrong. There’s a lot of good stuff out there, you’ve just gotta be choosy about what you select.

You be the judge and decide if “Million Dollar Publisher” is anything like some of the other products you have bought.

I’m willing to wager that it isn’t.

“Million Dollar Publisher” isn’t anywhere near close to a ‘big launch’ price either. And I hope that by now I’ve convinced you that what I have been telling you is the truth. Well – because it is.

Those that know me, know that I under promise and over deliver.

If you want to build your own Publishing Business then these 52 weeks of step-by-step Lessons are as close as you can get to someone ‘looking over your shoulder’ as you do it.

[Like a Master and Appretice relationship. Just like I had with Yanik, and Jim. That was way back in 2003. But I remember it well].

In baby steps, I take you in detail into everything that you will need to do, to create and market your own products.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that this 52 week course is just for newbies.

It is also for all those that have tried marketing their own product and not been as successful as they might have wanted to be.

This is your chance to do it right. Baby step by baby step.

Here’s what some of my subscribers are saying:

And click here to see what even more raving customers have to say.

That’s less than the price of a family lunch out.

The program is 12 months long, and you can cancel anytime you choose, in the unlikely event that you’re not impressed or you’re not seeing results. Or for no reason at all.

But I know, that if you follow the contents of the course, and complete the assignments, you can’t help but see results.

… you have got to take action.

Besides, if you were to receive all the Lessons at once I guarantee you would be overwhelmed and not follow the recommended sequence – always jumping around. It would kinda defeat the whole object of the program – which is to deliver the information in bite-sized chunks.

When this program was in its infancy way back in 2008, little did I realize the “monster” that I created. As a whole, the package is huge. More than 1,000 pages. Yet another reason for it being delivered in bite-sized chunks.

I would never want to market a product of this nature as one big lump of material. That would be information overload on a grand scale and contrary to my belief that a step-by-step approach is best.

But if you register now, you are guaranteed to be grand-fathered (or grand-daughtered) in at the current price.

Furthermore, the program will not be left ‘open’ indefinitely. When a set number of subscribers have registered, that’s it, until all 52 weeks are completed or a significant number of people quit (and I wouldn’t recommend that they do that).

If you think that this limitation to joining is some kind of marketing ploy.

Check back at this website and you may find that the current allocation of subscribers has been fulfilled. Access to “Million Dollar Publisher” may be temporarily suspended.

Since this course first launched, back in 2008, the program has been off the market and up-dated – several times. It will always be kept up-to-date with current trends and technology.

Now, how confident am I that “Million Dollar Publisher” will bring you results?

Very confident. Besides all the testimonials you have read …

This course is sold through Clickbank.

They are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products, so if you are not satisfied at any time, you can get your money back without having to rely on me actioning any refund.

Clickbank will give you an instant refund.

There is one thing that is for sure: one year from today, you will surely arrive. The question is … where?

One: Will you continue as you already are? In which case I wish you all that I wish myself.

Two: Will you subscribe to “Million Dollar Publisher” but not take any action?

Now that would be a crying shame. You will have already taken the action by joining the program. The real benefit of this information is that you take action immediately after each (and every) Lesson, and complete the assignments.

Three: Or will you subscribe to “Million Dollar Publisher” and complete all the assignments?

Do that, and you will increase 1,000% your chances of ever being successful. And, you will have the beginnings of a thriving publishing business. Your life will be transformed into what you’ve only ever dreamed about – more freedom, more control, more money.

Choose the path that takes you where you want to go.

If you have ever wanted your own home-based business then “Million Dollar Publisher” is without doubt the most affordable, most comprehensive, most complete course you could ever get your hands on.

The limitation on the number of subscribers is no marketing trick. Membership will be capped.

Avoid the disappointment by signing up NOW!

P.S. Membership will be capped when the set number of subscribers has been reached. The only way to avoid this disappointment is to register now.

P.P.S. Remember, you will not just receive Lessons each week for a whole year, you will also get dozens of extra Bonuses (Your ‘Million Dollar Toolbox’ and ‘Reference Library’). At the end of the series there will be a special, not-to-be-missed ‘Graduation Bonus.’

P.P.P.S. “Million Dollar Publisher” is currently unavailable. Places will become available very soon.

(C) 2021 Ebor Publishing


Click here to get Home | Million Dollar Publisher at discounted price while it’s still available…

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